Birth of a Girl explores the historical treatment and devaluing of daughters in Asian culture. In China, a culturally embedded mindset and phrase is 重男轻女, which translates to the valuing of males above females. In the past, it was common practice for baby girls to be given up for adoption, or even thrown into rivers, as parents hoped for a son instead. Birth of a Girl changes that narrative by featuring a baby girl as treasure (宝), rising from the river, and attracting blessings from the deities worshipped in Asia, who represent important Chinese values: Fú (福) - God of fortune, Lù (禄) - God of prosperity, Shòu (寿) - God of longevity, and GuānYīn (觀音) - Goddess of Compassion. In Chinese, treasure (宝), is also the same word used for baby, further drawing the connection to treasure daughters. View NFT on OpenSea